「不思議の国より不思議な国のアリス」 | |
プロスペローとしてのキャロル | Carroll as Prospero |
(日本ルイス・キャロル協会会報「MISCHMASCH』8号 2006に発表のものを転載)
1882年3月13日のリチャード夫人宛ての手紙でキャロルは、少女のためのシェイクスピアを作ろうとしているので、その作品の選定を手伝ってくれそうなお母さんを推薦して欲しいと依頼している。子供のためのシェイクスピアは既にThomas BowdlerのThe Family Shakespeare (1818年)があり、キャロルの頃は、子供のために書き換えることをbowdlerizeというほどポピラーで、この手紙の中でもキャロルはBowdler版を少女に合うように徹底的にbowdlerizeするという言葉を使っている。ところが、この手紙の2日後、Brandmanの子供用のSelections from Shakespeareを入手している。彼の目からはこれでも不十分であった。さらに、83年11月、彼の友人でもあり、少女のための雑誌や物語を書いていたYongeも子供用のシェイクスピアを手がけるに及んでキャロルの「少女自身のためのシェイクスピア」は立ち消えになりそうになるが、彼女の手がけていない「テンペスト」に取り掛かっているとアリス・パーカーへの手紙にある。1885年3月29日の日記にはなお「テンペスト」に取り組んでいると書いており、彼は真っ先に「テンペスト」を完成しようとしていたようである。
キャロルはまず性的な匂いを消そうとしたのではないかと思うのだが、Bowdler 版もBrandram版も読んでみた限り、私の思いつきそうな箇所は既に削除されており、キャロルが何所を削ろうとしたのか分からなかった。
2・1 物語の構造
2・2 様式
2・3 夢
We are such stuff as dreams are made
and our life is round with a sleep.
アリスの物語は全体として、この夢を取り上げているのだが、「不思議の国」の終章、「鏡の国」では、赤の王さまの夢や終章で夢をクローズアップさせている。その巻末の詩の中での、Life, what is it a dream ? や、「シルビーとブルノー」の序詞の、Is all our life, then, but a dream? に直接響き合っている。
2・4 迷路、迷宮
「テンペスト」の島が迷宮であることは、ゴンザローの「ここは全くの迷路です。まっすぐ行くかと思えば、元に戻ったり。」[3・3・2―]やアロンゾーの「ここにはあらゆる責苦、厄介、不思議、驚嘆がある。」[5・1・242−] で分かるが、「不思議の国」でもアリスはどこをどう行けばよいか分からない。「鏡の国」ではチェス盤ということで読者は多少の見通しを与えられるが、アリスにとっては全く迷路なのである。第二章冒頭のアリスの体験とゴンザローたちの体験とよく似ている。
2・5 騒音
2・6 犬
ついでに触れると、「長い尾話」をするネズミがアリスに対して、「あなた聞いていないわね!You are not attending!」と詰問するところは、プロスペロー がミランダに身の上話をするときに、「お前聞いていないなthou attend’st not!」[
3 プロスペローとしてキャロル
3・1 魔術師プロスペロー=キャロル
「プロスペロー は大公としては最高で、威厳においても、文芸においても並ぶものがないと言われたものだ」[1・2・66―]
3・2 孤高の人プロスペロー=キャロル
ルイス・キャロルというペンネームで最初に発表された詩「孤独Solitude」(The Train1856年)は、その後のPhantasmagoiaへ、更に最後の詩集Three Sunset and Other Poems(1898年)にも取り入れられていることから分かるように、孤独は彼の本質であると思う。
3・3 キャロルの魔術
プロスペロー は、自らは魔術を実行せず、専らエアリアルたちを駆使しているのだが、これは彼らを言葉で呪縛したのであろうと思う。
3・4 魔術の対象 少女と自分
なぜ彼の魔術の第一の対象が少女であったのかといえば、このような少女達はキャロルの潜在意識の中の「アニマ」であったからだと思う。「アニマ」はC.G.Jungの概念で、男性の潜在意識の中にあって補完的役割をしている理想的な女性像を示すものであるが、Judith Bloomingdaleが1971年、Alice as Anima(Aspects of Alice に収録)の中で、アリスをキャロルのアニマとして話を展開している。私はアリスだけではなく、後の多くの少女友達もキャロルのアニマを象徴していたように思う。少女と遊ぶことは自己(の潜在意識)と遊ぶことで、だから、少女たちを膝の上に載せて話をしたかったのだし、別れる時は、握手ではなく、キスをしたかったのだと思う。
少女のロジックに就いては、Judith Bloomingdaleは次のように述べている。「話を複雑にしているのは、アリスは逆に「アニムス」に憑かれているのであり、その「アニムス」とは女性の潜在意識の中で補完の役を果たしている男性のイメージである。その「アニムス」がロゴスまたは言葉に呼応しており、女性の思考に影響を与えている」
魔術の対象としての少女を取り上げたからといって、キャロルは少女しか興味がなかったというのではない。少女偏愛者のイメージは作られた伝説であって、キャロルの人生はもっと多様で、日記や伝記は、大人の女性、少女達のお母さんをも同様に愛したことを示している。Karoline Leach のIn the Shadow of Dreamchild は彼のそんな一面を描き出している。
3・5 キャロルのイメージ
「牧師館の雨傘」の巻末の絵では、キャロルは魔法の傘を捨て堂々と大地に立っており、若きキャロルの理想が、不思議なことに、プロスペロー やシェイクスピアと同じようだったように見える。何故彼がこのような絵を書いたのか、また、実際の生活でこの理想をどう実現したのか、興味ある問題である。
The New
The Tempest ed. David Lindley 2002
「ノンセンス大全」 高橋康也 晶文社 1974
Shakespeare Our
Contemporary, Jan Kott, Doubleday,1964
Aspects of
The Life and
letters of Lewis Carroll, S.D.Collingwood,
T. Fisher Unwin, 1898
The Lewis Carroll Picture Book ,
S.D.Collingwood, Collins, 1899
Lewis Carroll:
a Biography , Morton N.
Cohen, Macmillan, 1995
A Story of Lewis Carroll, Roger Lancelyn Green,
Henry Shuman, 1949
同訳書「ルイス・キャロル物語」 門馬義幸・直子訳 法政大学出版局1997
In the Shadow
of Dreamchild , Karoline
Leach, Peter
Owen, 1999
「ルイス・キャロルの図像学」 平 倫子 英宝社 2000
The Diaries of Lewis Carroll, ed. Edward Wakeling, The Lewis Carroll Society, 1993〜
as Prospero
Lewis Carroll loved Shakespeare, whose The
Tempest was one of his favorites. The Tempest casts its shadow on
Carroll’s works. Furthermore, there is some correspondence between Carroll and
Prospero, the main character in this
In this article
I will grope for some keynotes in his life by looking upon him as Prospero.
1. Girl’s Own Shakespeare.
He attempted to “bowdlerize
Bowdler’s The Family Shakespeare absolutely fit for girls.”
We know that he
loved The Tempest from the fact that
he attempted to rewrite The Tempest at
the head of his Girl’s Own Shakespeare, even though versions of Shakespeare for
children by S.Brandam and C.Yonge had already appeared.
One of the reasons why he loved this piece is, I assume, that he found
his self-image in
2. Shadow of The Tempest
2.1 Structure
We find many
stories which begin with falling into a dream or magic, and end with waking up.
The Tempest and Alice stories have the same structure, and
what’s more, they emphasize that their stories are dream or magic.
2.2 Style
They both are
composed of songs and stories.
2.3 Dreams
The most famous
words in The Tempest are:.
We are such stuff as
dreams are made on,
and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep. [4-1-156―]
This concept is essential to all of Carroll’s work.
For example he put
such questions to readers as “Life, what is it but a dream? “or “Is all our
life, then, but a dream?”
2.4 Maze
Gonzalo:Through forth-rights and meanders! [
Alonzo: This is as strange a
maze as e'er men trod
And there is in this
business more than nature
Was ever conduct of:
some oracle
Must rectify our
knowledge. [5-1-104-]
2.3 Noise
Caliban : Be not afeard; the
isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet
airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand
twangling instruments
Will hum about mine
ears, [3-2-127-]
There are many noises in TLG, especially in the chapter 7.
2.6 Dog etc.
One of
the dogs in The Tempest has the name Fury, which reappears in the “long
tale” story told by the Mouse.
The Mouse said to
One of Arial’s songs was transformed into a Parody
in New Belfry of
You may find other influences on his works.
3. Carroll as Prospero
Prospero has two aspects in his character. First he is a magician,
second, he is a lover of solitude. Both are essential to Carroll.
3.1 Carroll as magician Prospero
And Prospero the
prime duke, being so reputed
In dignity, and for
the liberal arts
Without a parallel;
those being all my study [1-2-72-]
Jan Kott says in “Prospero’s Staff” (Shakespeare
Our Contemporary 1964):
“Whenever I think
of Prospero I always see Leonarde da Vinci’s head, drawn in his last self-portrait”
“ Not by chance, perhaps, Shakespeare gives the dukedom of Milan, where Leonard
had spent many years, … ”
Leonardo, as
Prospero , was multi-talented in the
liberal arts including magic. He was a master of invention, but his inventions
were never put into practice. Kott describes Leonardo and Prospero as
Renaissance men with great dreams and disappointments.
10 years after Jan Kott, Yasunari Takahashi
excellently compares Carroll to Leonardo da Vinci, in his article “Magic and
Anti magic --- Carroll to Leonardo” ( Nonsense Taizen 1974)
enumerates their similarities such as being left-handed, mirror writing, life
long bachelor, lover of children, impromptu tales, magician, mathematician,
artist, maniac inventor.
He says both were so called homo
univerisalis, but regrets to say that Carroll was lesser than Leonardo in
scale. Carroll is a compacted, caricatured, nonsenserised Leonardo,a
premature “homo univerisalis” and anomalous “magician”
I think it better to liken Carroll to
Prospero than to Leonardo, because of the similarity of their magic.
3.2 A man of
Another keyword in common between Carroll
and Prospero is solitude.
They had little desires for power, and
loved freedom and solitude. Prospero having lost his wife in the early stage of
their marriage, he was lonely absorbed in research of magic
On the other hand, Carroll took much cares of
many sisters, brothers and relatives, and enjoyed to associate with many peoples,
so we can not call him a hermit. But he was a lover of solitude or loner. He avoided sociable meetings in his later
As you know, his
poetry "Solitude" was the first piece published by the name "Lewis
Carroll" (1856) and compiled in Phantasmagoria(1869)
and Three Sunsets(1897), he really seems to love solitude.
3.3 Carroll as a
His magic seems to have begun with the
railway games in the garden of the rectory at Croft. Collingwood wrote Carroll
liked wearing white robe and carrying a magic wand. Puppet shows, home-magazines were examples
of his magic in his boyhood, through which he enjoyed dazzling his sisters and
brothers. Tales, puzzles, poems were all variations of his magic.
Photography was a
sort of magic, especially the developing process in the dark-room.
His greatest pleasure was “hunting girls”
using all the resources of his magic on the seashore at
3.3.1 Prospero’s
Thinking about the source of Prospero’s
magic, we notice that his magic
came from
books, which differs from the magic in Midsummer Night’s Dream which
depends on herbs.
Prospero: A noble Neapolitan, Gonzalo,
Out of his charity,
being then appointed
Master of this
design, did give us, with
Rich garments,
linens, stuffs and necessaries,
Which since have
steaded much; so, of his gentleness
Knowing I loved my books, he furnish'd me
From mine own
library with volumes that
prize above my dukedom. [1-2-159-]
Prospero: I'll to my book,
For yet ere
supper-time must I perform
Much business
appertaining. [3-1-94-]
Caliban : Having first
seized his books, or with a log
his skull, or paunch him with a stake,
Or cut his wezand
with thy knife. Remember
First to possess his
books; for without them
He's but a sot, as I
am, nor hath not
One spirit to
command: they all do hate him
As rootedly as
He has
brave utensils,--for so he calls them?
when he has a house, he'll deck withal [3-2-79-]
Prospero performed his magic through Arial
or other characters, on whom he cast spells. The essence of Prospero’s magic
must be words, including spells and logic which he had got from books.
3.3.2 Carroll’s
I think the essence of Carroll’s magic is
also words (logos, logic, rules) just like Prospero’s magic.
The magic is to make people imagine the
world where other words, logic, rules are valid. He used words to induce us
into virtual realities, and make us believe in them. When you act following his
words (magic), his magic is validated.
The railway game was an early example, in
which his sisters and brothers complied with his curious rules. His words
games, puzzles, logic, tales - all have the same purpose: to lead people into
his make-believe world. He was always interested in the rules of processes such
as elections, tennis tournament, postal system.
Though all characters in the Alice Stories
seem to have curious dispositions, the truth is that, they have their own unique
To show simple
examples, one of Pigeon’s logic is ”What is long is a serpent”: One of Hatter’s
logic is “Time is always tea time”. In TLG, the logic of characters appears
more clearly.
Difference of logic is easily understood if
you can recognize the difference between Euclidean geometry and non-Euclidean
geometry. You change an axiom a little bit;you will be surprised at its result.
At first glance, you may think they are nonsense but when we become to know
that they have their own logic, you can enjoy them.
Words, logos, logic, rules, that is the essence
of Carroll’s magic.
Concerning photography, a sort of chemical
magic, he abandoned it when photo shops became common and its mystery vanished.
3.4 The objectives
of magic --- Girls and Himself
Using his magic, Prospero reformed his
rebels and joined Miranda and Ferdinand.
Then whom would Carroll like to charm most?
I think that it
must be girls. For him girls should be pretty first of all, elegant, innocent,
sensitive to nonsense, and strange to say, they respond to logic.
The most typical figure is
The reason why the first targets of his
magic should be girls is, I assume, that girls are equivalent to Carroll’s
Anima. Anima is a Jungian concept, which is the archetypal image of a woman
that compensates the masculine consciousness.
1971 J.Bloomigdale expressed
I would like to expand his Anima to all his
all girl-friends. The girls symbolized Carroll’s sub-conscious. He plays with girls,
that is to say, plays by himself. He loves girls as means of expressing
himself. Therefore he wanted to put the girls on his lap, to kiss them at their
parting. It was a test of his magic (logic), whether girls were easily taken in
his games, tales and so on.
As to girl’s logic, J. Bloomigdales says, ”
to complicate,
That the first Targets of his magic were
girls does not necessarily lead us to the idea that he was a maniac girl-lover.
Carroll’s life was
more diverse than his legend. He loved women and mothers of the child-friends. Though
we know this through his diaries and letters, Karoline Leach was successed in
changing the saint-like image of Carroll in her In the Shadow of Dreamchild.
My image of Carroll as Prospero perhaps
comes from the frontispiece to The Rectory Umbrella which was drawn by
the 18-year-old Carroll.
This picture is said to be hermaphroditic, ambiguous
of his age.
I guess he drew it as a self-portrait in
the image of Prospero. Instead of a magic wand, he has an umbrella, which shows
the breath of his magic: Tales, Poetry, Fun, Riddles, and Jokes, all of which
use words. By means of these, he charmed wonderful girls to him.
A supplement: In The Tempest, Prospero abandoned
his wand and books, and returned to his home-land
Strange to say, on the ending of The
Rectory Umbrella, he drew his portrait standing upright beside his abandoned
umbrella, which reminds us of Prospero and Shakespeare. It is mysterious for me
why Carroll imagined the same ideal as Shakespeare in his youth. I wonder whether
he could ever become a Prospero by the end of his life.