        The Queen of Hearts
                            宮垣 弘
                        Hiromu MIYAGAKI





 1782年  The European Magazineの4月号(12行4節)
 1785年  この詩を使った流行歌あり。
1787年  Canningによって最初の部分(標準形)が政治風刺として使用される。
 1805年  Charles Lamb's The King and Queen of Hearts(物語絵本)
 1844年  Halliwell's The Nursery Rhymes of England第三版(標準形)
1845年頃 Grandmamma Easy's New Story of the Queen of Hearts 
 1851年頃 Songs for the Nursery (標準形)
1860年頃 Mother Hubbard and Other Old Friends Sunshineの挿絵本(物語絵本)
 1865年  The Queen of Hearts Alphabet  Percy Cruikshankの挿絵本
 1865年  『不思議の国のアリス』出版

   1845年頃 Grandmamma Easy's New Story of the Queen of Hearts
1860年頃 Mother Hubbard and Other Old Friends Sunshineの挿絵本

1) 『不思議の国』で白兎の読む訴状(A)の字句が物語絵本系(C)と一致する。即ち、集成本系、すなわち標準形(B)ではclean awayとなっているが、AとCではquite awayとなっている。

A: 『不思議の国』で白兎の読む訴状

The Queen of Hearts
She made some tarts,
All on a summer day;
The Knave of Hearts
He stole the tarts,
And took them clean away.

B ナーサリー・ライム集成本(標準形)の前半

The Queen of Hearts
She made some tarts,
All on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts
He stole the tarts,
And took them quite away.

C 物語絵本の最初の節

The Queen of Hearts
She made some tarts,
All on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts
He stole the tarts,
And took them clean away.

なお、字句上、A−a summer dayとB,C−a summer's dayの差異があるが、これはキャロルの好みによるもので、『不思議の国』の結句、the happy summer daysや彼の詩「孤独」(1853)などでも「's」を用いていない。

2) 内容的に、上述の物語絵本には裁判の場面があり、王が主宰し、証拠調べも行っている。女王が死刑を要求し、王が許す。私は長らく女王の「首を切れ」が何処から来たのか疑問であったが、最後の連で女王がジャックの死刑を要求しているところに由来しているのではと思うようになった。

この詩の全体は挿絵を含めPuffin で見ることが出来る。全体は長いが、この議論に関連するので、訳者のご了解を得て中山克郎訳を文末に掲げておく。

3)蔵書 キャロルはハリウェルの集成本の初版を持っていたが、 これには、「ハートの女王」は出ていない。「ハートの女王」が収録されているのは3版、   4版のみ。









物事を逆転させることの嗜好は、彼の生来のものであり、それは、左利き、鏡文字 ペンネーム、写真の愛好などに現れ、『不思議の国』の猫とこうもり、裁判の過程、『鏡の国』のジャバウォッキー、時間・空間の逆転など枚挙に暇がないほどである。





「ハートの女王」中山克郎訳(Puffin版による) 『もうひとつのマザー・グース』より

ハートのクィーンが  パイを手づくり
ある夏の日の     ものがたり
ハートのジャックが  パイをもちにげ
あとにかけらも    残さずに

クィーンがパイを    つくったわけは
高貴な客を      まねくため
できたごちそう    戸だなに入れて
"これなら役に     立ちそうね"
ハートのクィーンが  まねいた客は
キングにクィーン    おなじみの
赤と黒との        三組のカップル
あのトランプの     貴族たち

高貴なカップル     到着すれば
すぐにはじまる     大宴会
キング ハッスル    座をとりもてば
クィーンいそいそ    パンを切る
スープに魚に      ごちそういろいろ
笑いさざめき      舌つづみ
終わりに出てきた    プラムのプリン
まるでこれでは     クリスマス

知らぬがほとけの    ハートのクィーン
けらい呼びつけ     ご命令
"これはまちがい     今すぐさげて
 料理頭に       もどしなさい"
一同くびを       かしげたものの
次なる指図に       どっと湧く
"わたしがさいぜん   つくったパイを
 もってくるのよ     これ ジャック"

ジャック一旦      退出したが
ほどなくもどって    ご報告
"盗みぐせある       不ていのやから
 パイをもちにげ     したようで"
なみいる面々       みな心得て
陽気なムードで     座をもたす
"どの道 たいした    ことではないさ
 気にしなさんな"    といいたげに

ジャックの証言      ゆゆしくひびく
"思いまするに     クイーンさま
 御前のおす猫     その猫こそが
 パイどろぼうに     相違なし
 奴のやましき      あの顔つきと
 雲をかすみと     にげるさま
 これぞ何より     動かぬ証拠
 奴の仕業を      示すもの"

ハートのキング     席から立って
怒りおもてに      叫ぶこと
"ジャックよジャック  すもものパイを
 猫が食べるか     恥知らず!
 汝の仕業に      ちがいはないが
 いずれはっきり    させてやる
 今はとにかく     わがけらいども
 これに集めよ     ことごとく"

老若男女        全部のけらい
ひしめきあって     勢ぞろい
ひとりひとりが     くらいの順に
規則正しく       列を組む
それをひきいる    ハートのジャック
大将格と        見なされて
"見よ 皆のもの    指輪にかけて
 はがしてくれよう   ばけの皮"

なみいるけらいは   皆息をのみ
キングの面を      ふしあおぐ
ひびくその声      威厳にみちて
"すもものパイを    食べたもの
 そのくちびるにゃ  紫色の
 汁が残って      いるという
 罪のしるしを     つい消し忘れ
 あごに残した     おろかもの"

一同顔を       見合わす中に
ひとりジャックは   われ知らず
あごのあたりを    ひそかにぬぐう
よごれも見えぬ    そのあごを
おりしもキング    すっくと立って
"見たかジャックの  しれものめ
 今こそここに    そのひざ曲げて
 汝の罪を       吐くがよい"

クィーン怒りに     身をふるわせて
"ジャック風情の    もてなしに
 こころくだいて    パイづくりとは
 死刑にしても     あきたりぬ"
キングきびしく     二人を見やり
"パイは食べられ   もどらぬが
 慈悲のこころは   わがまつりごと
 むちで叩いて    許そうよ"

  Philip Beagentの各氏

The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, Iona and Peter Opie, 1955
The Puffin Book of Nursery Rhymes, Iona and Peter Opie, 1963
The Annotated Mother Goose, William S. and Ceil Baring-Gould, 1962
The Annotated Alice (the Definitive Edition), Martin Gardner, 2000
Lewis Carroll Among His Books, Charlie Lovett, 2005
The Alice Companion, Jo Elwyn Jones&Francis Gladstone, 1998
Haydn's Dictionary of Date, 22ed. 1889
Randolph Caldecott , Rodney K. Engen, 1976
How to TELL FORTUNES WITH CARDS, W.Brown, c.1960
『アリスとテニエル』M.ハンチャー 石毛雅章訳 東京図書 1997年
『マザーグースの世界展』朝日新聞 1988年
『アリスの理論』宗宮喜代子  NHK出版 2006年

       The Queen of Hearts
                       Hiromu MIYAGAKI

1. Which nursery rhymes did Carroll depend on?

It is said that the nursery rhyme on which the Queen of Hearts in AAIW depended was a nursery rhyme which first appeared in 1782 in The European Magazine. This version had four stanzas of 12 lines and afterwards became a popular song with melody, and sometimes used for political satires at the end of 18th century.
Each stanza of the original version, which you can see in The Annotated Alice by Martin Gardner and The Annotated Mother Goose by William S. and Ceil Baring-Gould, consists of scandalous anecdotes of royal families of Hearts, Spades, Diamonds and Clubs. For moral reasons, the three stanzas were removed and only the first stanza survived and spread. We find it in the third edition (and the fourth) of Halliwell's The Nursery Rhymes of England. Most of the Queen of Hearts have been the first stanza type and many people think the Queen of Hearts in AAIW depends on this.

However, the short version mentioned above has generated new story books. One example is The King and Queen of Hearts by Charles Lamb 1804. I pay special attention to other examples; Grandmamma Easy's New Story of the Queen of Hearts (ca.1845) and Mother Hubbard and Other Old Friends illustrated by Sunshine (ca.1860).
These picture books consist of almost the same verses of 84 lines and similar illustrations
Though the Queen of Hearts in AAWL came from Carroll's imagination based on the world of playing cards and nursery rhymes, if you ask on which rhymes he depended, I suggest he depended on whose which came from some picture books.

I will show you three reasons for this suggestion.
The first reason for my supposition is that the usage of words "clean away" in the accusation which the White Rabbit reads in AAIW coincides with these picture books.

A: The accusation which the White Rabbit read;
The Queen of Hearts
She made some tarts,
All on a summer day;
The Knave of Hearts
He stole the tarts,
And took them clean away.

B The first half of the popular nursery rhyme

The Queen of Hearts
She made some tarts,
All on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts
He stole the tarts,
And took them quite away.

C The first stanza of picture books mentioned above;

The Queen of Hearts
She made some tarts,
All on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts
He stole the tarts,
And took them clean away.

Wandering from the subject, Carroll used the expression "a summer day" which differs from B and C. The omission of " 's " seems to be his preference for this expression. We can find examples in his poem "Solitude" , the last line in AAIW and the poem at the top of TTLG.

The second reason is that these picture books have more similarity in their contents than the short version; they contain the process of judgment which the King led and judged, the demand of death sentence by the Queen and the forgiveness by the King. I think "Off with the head" by the Queen may come from these picture books.

You can see the full version in The Puffin Book of Nursery Rhymes by Iona and Peter Opie (1963).

The third reason, a rather trifling one, is that he did not seem to have the book which included the short version, though he did have the first edition of Halliwell's The Nursery Rhymes of England, in which The Queen of Hearts did not appear. According to Prof. T. Fujino, it appeared in the third and the fourth edition (nonetheless Opie and Baring-Gould wrote that it appeared in only the third edition).

2. The model of the Queen of Hearts

J.E.Jones and J.F.Gladstone suggest Alice's mother, Mrs. Liddell might be the model for the Queen of Hearts because she was imperious and used to order everyone; especially when preparations were not properly prepared for a croquet match.

M.Hancher pointed out the similarity of the model of the Queen of Hearts to Queen Victoria in Tenniel's illustrations.

3. The original image of the Queen of Hearts

Playing cards were introduced to England in the 14th century and were very popular at the time of Carroll. We know 30,000 sets of playing cards were sold in 1850 by the record of the duty. In fortune telling by playing cards, the Queen of Hearts is the symbol of sincere affection, devotion and prudence, whose counterpart is the Queen of Spades.
We can find this image of the Queen of Hearts in the novel of the same title by Wilkie Collins published 1851 in which he depicts a lady nicknamed the Queen of Hearts as a beautiful and affectionate woman.
This image was not only popular in Carroll's age, but continues up until now.
For example, the late Princess Diana described herself as the Queen of Hearts and the English are fond of calling her so.

4.The Queen of Hearts as Carroll's invention

I am interested more in his creativity than in searching for its model.
I think the Queen of Hearts is a typical character which represents his way of thinking.

First of all, the Queen of Hearts in AAIW is a reverse image of the popular one who is beautiful and affectionate.

Reversion is one of his basic ways of thinking rooted deeply in his nature.
We can demonstrate various evidence such as mirror-writing, pseudonym, his interest in photography, and reversed descriptions in his works.

Secondly one of his ways of expression was by means of the Queen character who always ordered "Off with his (her) head!" Though the cruelty or violence is not peculiar to his works and is found easily in nursery rhymes, Shakespeare and literature all over the world, Carroll also adopted it in his early verses as well as in Alice's stories. The cruelty and violence reset our thoughts bound by morals and refresh us.

Thirdly, "Off with the head" sounds a sort of proposition of reductio ad absurdum. Logic was the field he devoted himself all his life. The game of croquet in the Queen's garden has no rule and people can not manage his or her tool and cannot expect the result. In such chaotic circumstances, the only certainty is the Queen's declamation "Off with the head"
In chaos somebody must set some proposition. Bearing such role, the Queen lives forever in our hearts.

I would like to close this issue by referring to our Alice.
Alice was suspicious of the Queen of Hearts and other cards from the beginning, but tried to treat them as real grown-ups. However in the end, when she was forced into a plight, she cried "You're nothing but a pack of cards!" to the Queen.
I love such an Alice as a counterpart to the Queen of Hearts.

日本ルイス・キャロル協会会報 「ミッシュマッシュ」No.9  原稿
MISCHMASCH No,9 Journal of the Lewis Carroll Society of Japan

The Queen of Hearts


宮垣 弘
Hiromu Miyagaki