
飼い犬に手をかまれる。A man may cause his own dog to bite him. *

佳人薄命。Those who God loves do not live long.

                 The fairest flowers sooner fade.


      If you can’t turn the wind, you must turn the sail.

金の切れ目が縁の切れ目。 The end of money is the end of love.

金は木にならない。 Money does not grow on trees. #

金は天下の回り物 Money comes and money goes. ***

カッパの川流れ。 Even Homer sometimes nods.

学問に王道なし。 There is no royal road to learning.

勝てば官軍。 Losers are always in the wrong.

                  Might is right. *

稼ぐに追いつく貧乏なし。 A hard worker is a stranger to poverty.

果報は寝て待て。 Every thing comes to him who waits.

勝って冑の緒を締めよ。 Tighten your helmet-string in victory.

                  Don’t hallo [whistle] untl you are out of the wood.

我田引水。 Every miller draws water for his own mill. *

火中の栗を拾う。 He risked his neck for her sake.

かわいい子には旅をさせろ。Spare the rod and spoil the child.

亀の甲より年の功。 Experience counts.

         An old fox is hardly caught in a snare. *

考えてから物を言え。First think and then speak.

蛙の子は蛙。Like father like son.

壁に耳あり。Walls have ears. *

枯れ木も山の賑わい。Anything is better than nothing.

棺をおおって事定まる。 All the games end we shall see who gain. *

かわいい子には旅をさせよ。Spare the rod and spoil the child.



聞くは一時の恥、聞かぬは末代までの恥。A man becomes learned by asking questions. * 

木により魚を求む。 Fish are not to be caught by a birdcall. *

                   You cannot get blood out of stone

木を見て森を見ず。You cannot the city for the houses. *

                *** You cannot the forest for the trees.

危険分散。 Dont put all your eggs in one basket. #

窮鼠猫を噛む。A baited cat may grow as fierce as a lion.
       A cornerd mouse will bite a cat.
                  A atag at bay is a dangerous foe.

器用貧乏。 Good workmen are seldom rich. *

漁夫の利を占める。 Fish in the troubled waters

今日できることは明日に延ばすな。 Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

                             Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. *

勤勉は幸運の母。 Diligence is the mother of good luck [fortune]



空腹にまずいものなし。 A good appetite is a good sauce.

くさっても鯛。A old eagle is better than a young sparrow.

口は災いの元。 Out of the mouth comes evil. * 

             Confine your tongue, lest it confine you. *

口八丁手八丁。 He has long arms and a long tongue as well.

楽は苦の種。 There is a pleasure that is born of pain. *

No pain, no gain. #

苦しいときの神頼み。Once on shore, we pray no more. *

君子ひとりを慎む。 Do on the hill as you would do in the hall. * 

君子豹変。 A wise man changes his mind, a fool never.



健全なる精神は健全なる肉体に宿る。 A sound mind in a sound body.

芸は身を助く。 Accomplishments are a friend in need.

芸術は長く、人生は短い。Art is long, life is short.

                       Ars longa vita brevis.

結婚は人生の墓場。 Marriage is the tomb of life.

健康は富にも勝る。Health is better than wealth.

経験は最良の知。Experience is the best teacher.

賢者が提案し、愚者が決定する。 Wise men make propose,and fools determine. *



恋は盲目。Love is blind.

弘法筆を選ばず。 A bad workman quarrels with his tools.

後悔先に立たず。 What is done cannot undone.
                                better safe than sorry

好機逸すべからず。 When Fortune knocks,open the door. *

攻撃は最大の防御なり。 The best way to defend is to attack. *

虎穴に入らずんば、虎児を獲ず。 Nothing venture, nothing gain.

                             he who would search for pearls must dive deep. *

郷に入っては郷に従え。 Do in Rome as the Romans do.

                  When in Rome do as the Romans do. #

光陰矢のごとし。Time flies like an arrow.

弘法も筆の誤り。Even Homer sometimes nods.

心ここにあらざれば見れども見えず。 The eye is blind if the mind is absent. *

五十歩百歩。 six of one or a half dozen of the other. ***

           A miss is as good as a mile. #

困ったときの友が真の友。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. #

転ばぬ先の杖。 forewarned is forearmed. #

An ounce of prevention is worth of a pound of cure. *

紺屋の白袴。 Shoemakers children go barefoot. ・

